stands for Data Server Pages, the Apache
HTTP Server module, that provides PL/SQL Server Scripting and features an efficient authorization
and authentication framework on the Oracle database tier.
PL/SQL Server scripting
Script preprocessor / variable injection
Efficient authentication / authorization framework
Flexible and easy configuration
Free software, open source
mod_dsp apache module
DSP comaptible PL/SQL package
Server Requirements
Apache HTTP Server (Win32) >= 2.2
OCI (Oracle Call Interface) >= 9.2
Oracle database >= 8.1.5
Client Requirements
Session cookies, if authentication / authorization feature is enabled
Scripting Tags
ASP-style: <% and %>
XML-style: <?dsp and ?>
<% DSP.print('DSP Rocks!'); %>
<?dsp DSP.print('DSP Rolls!'); ?>
Scripting Blocks
Script blocks: <?dsp ... ?>
Quick blocks: <?dsp= ... ?>
Script blocks contain PL/SQL code and server variable placeholders.
Quick blocks contain only a server variable placeholder.
Quick blocks are quote-blind -- they can appear inside "quoted" text, such as HREF.
Script blocks are quote-aware -- they are ignored if inside "quoted" strings.
Script Block Example
CURSOR c_object IS
SELECT object_name name,object_type type
FROM user_objects;
FOR r_object IN c_object LOOP
Variable injection
Sample | Block | Feature
{$ ... } | PL/SQL | SQL-Escape
| {$ ... } | Quick | HTML-Escape
| {@ ... } | Quick | URL-Escape
| { ... } | Any |
Script | Result
Who am I?
I am <i><%= {USER} %></i>.
| Who am I? I am JOE.
Server variables
Variable | Meaning
URI, URL | Request Uri
| USER | Request/Session User
| SERVER.admin | Server Admin
| SERVER.host | Server Host
| SERVER.ip | Server IP
| SERVER.name | Server Name
| SERVER.path | Server Path
| CONTEXT.path | Context Path
| CONTEXT.url | Context Url
| CONTEXT.login_page | Context Login Page (DSP:LoginPage)
| CONTEXT.logout_page | Context Login Page (DSP:LogoutPage)
| CONTEXT.login_fail | Login Fail Page (DSP:LoginFail)
| CONTEXT.login_pass | Login Pass Page (DSP:LoginPage)
| SESSION.user | Session User
| SESSION.timeout | Session Timeout
| REQUEST.auth | Request/Session Auth. type
| REQUEST.content_length | Request/Resource Content-Length
| REQUEST.content_type | Request/Resource Content-Type
| REQUEST.cookie | Request Cookie Header
| REQUEST.file | Request File
| REQUEST.host | Request/Server Host
| REQUEST.ip | Request IP
| REQUEST.is_local | Boolean TRUE for local request
| REQUEST.method | Request HTTP Method
| REQUEST.protocol | Request HTTP Protocol
| REQUEST.referer | Request Referer
| REQUEST.string | Request Unparsed uri
| REQUEST.uri, url | Request Uri
| REQUEST.user | Request User
| PARAMETER[key] | Request Parameter (GET/POST)
| COOKIE[key] | Request/Session Cookie
| :[field] | Alias for CONTEXT[field]
| ::[field] | Alias for SERVER[field]
| ?[key] | Alias for PARAMETER[key]
| {!EXIT} : Page drop-out
Authentication / Authorization (authnz)
DSP authentication / authorization it is built arround the concept
of form-based authentication, where the credentials are supplied using HTML form.
The supplied credetials are then validated by a database stored procedure.
Directives to enable
DSP authentication / authorization
AuthType DSP
Require valid-user
DSP:AssentScript assent-script
In the form-based login paradigm, two special pages are defined: the login page and the logout page.
In DSP two directives reflect this concept: the DSP:LoginPage and DSP:LogoutPage directive.
Additionally, a successull login triggers login-pass redirection,
and a failed login triggers login-fail redirection.
Login Trigger
HTTP request | DSP:LoginPage
Parameter | dsp | Required | Value 1
| Parameter | page, pass | Optional | Overrides DSP:LoginPass
| Parameter | fail | Optional | Overrides DSP:LoginFail
| Parameter | user, name | Required | UserName
| Parameter | key, pwd | Optional | Password
Logout Trigger
HTTP request | DSP:LogoutPage
| or | Session timeout
Login Example
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=dsp VALUE=1>
<TR><TD>Name: <TD><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=user>
<TR><TD>Password: <TD><INPUT TYPE=password NAME=key>
<TR><TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=submit>
Description | Time-out for DSP sessions.
| Syntax | DSP:SessionTimeOut timeout-in-seconds
| Default | DSP:SessionTimeOut 600
| Context | Server
Description | Login Page
| Syntax | DSP:LoginPage login-page
| Example | DSP:LoginPage login.html
| Context | Server, Directory
| Note | Allways exempt from authnz
Description | Logout Page
| Syntax | DSP:LogoutPage logout-page
| Example | DSP:LogoutPage logout.html
| Context | Server, Directory
Description | Login Pass Page
| Syntax | DSP:LoginPass <login-pass-page>
| Example | DSP:LoginPass log-pass.html
| Context | Server, Directory
| Note | Allways subject to authnz
Description | Login Fail Page
| Syntax | DSP:LoginFail <login-fail-page>
| Example | DSP:LoginFail log-fail.html
| Context | Server, Directory
| Note | Allways exempt from authnz
Description | Oracle Connection String
| Syntax | DSP:ConnectString oracle-connect-string
| Example | DSP:ConnectString DSP/xxx@ORCL
| Context | Server, Directory
| Note | The oracle-user must be able to use DSP database objects.
Description | Authentication / authorization credential validation script
| Syntax | DSP:AssentScript assent-scrpt
| Default | BEGIN :1:= DSP.get_assent(:2,:3); END;
| Example | DSP:AssentScript ":result:= DSP.get_assent(:name,:key);"
| Context | Server, Directory
| Note | Access is granted when result equals 1.
Function prototype:
Note: The v_name parameter features input / output semantics.
On output DSP expects a real user-name.
DSP:Match / DSP:AssentMatch / DSP:ScriptMatch
Description | Match rules for authnz and script
| Syntax | DSP:Match match-rule ...
| Default | DSP:Match +|*.html
| Context | Server, Directory
By Positive Filter: Item is included in processing.
By Negative Filter: Item is excluded from processing.
Match Examples:
Restrict access for PDF: | DSP:AssentMatch +|*.pdf
| Public access to main.html: | DSP:AssentMatch -|main.html
| Restrict text/xml and enable for scripting: | DSP:Match +|:text/xml
| Public access to x-*.html and enable for scripting: | DSP:AssentMatch -|x-*.html DSP:ScriptMatch +|x-*.html
Extra Notes:
Matching by Mime-Type is not completely implemented (yet).
If the requested resource is matched by any positive filter, mod_dsp attempts to:
disable caching of resource if match on DSP:AssentMatch
expire the resource on the client if match on DSP:ScriptMatch
Configuration Sample
LoadModule dsp_module mod/mod_dsp.so
DSP:ConnectString DSP/xxx@ORCL
DSP:SessionTimeOut 1800
<Location /dbx>
AuthType DSP
Require valid-user
DirectoryIndex main.html
ErrorDocument 403 /dbx/forbid.html
DSP:LoginPage login.html
DSP:LogoutPage logout.html
DSP:LoginPass welcome.html
DSP:LoginFail log-fail.html
DSP:AssentMatch -|main.html
# DSPlus
<Location /plus>
DSP:ScriptMatch +|*.xml
There are some inherent limitations of DSP because of the very nature of tier layout and work partitioning.
Altough throughout the documentation the DSP PL/SQL scripting is referred to as server scripting,
the more appropriate term could be remote server scripting -- note the keyword remote, as here indicates
that the script itself executes outside of the web-server context. This implies limitations, such as:
Page drop-out, the {!EXIT} command, should not be used inside sub-routines.
No programmatic arbitrary server variable reference (e.g. iteration trough cookies or form parameters, also no access to variables by runtime names, etc)
The adequatelly educated user / developer should be aware of what mentioned above,
and be able to overcome limitations. Smart application modelling is of most importance.
Development Platform
Apache HTTP Server 2.2.0
Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2
Oracle Database 8.1.5 & 10.2
OCI 10.2
Release Notes
Only Win32 version is available at this moment.
DSP applications may have additional client requirements. Please consult specific documentation.
DBX and DSPlus require Microsoft Internet Explorer
Features for the future
Improve HTTP POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Support for HTTP POST method multipart/form-data
Extend the PL/SQL framework to support Cookies, Statistics, CMS ...
Portability to other plaforms (C/C++ sources, build system)
Design some nice graphics (logo & icons)
Starting Apache fails with an error:
Syntax error on line line-number of apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load mod/mod_dsp.so into server:
The specified module could not be found:
| Solution: |
DSP module DLL dependecies could not be resolved. Most probably the PATH environment variable does not include the location of OCI libraries.
Top-level mod_dsp dependencies include: msvcrt.dll, kernel32.dll, libapr-1.dll, libaprutil-1.dll, libhttpd.dll, oci.dll.
Setup the system PATH environment to satisfy DLL dependecy resolution.
Starting Apache fails with an error:
Syntax error on line line-number of apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load mod/mod_dsp.so into server:
(127) The specified procedure could not be found:
| Solution: |
DSP Server Requirements were not met. Most probably an inappropriate OCI version is the cause of the problem.
Satisfy the requirements and try again. If the problem persists contact the support.
Read, use, learn, educate.
Report bugs, improvements, features.
Post reviews, ideas, requests, questions.
Mail, share, communicate, activate.
SourceForge.net page: http://mod-dsp.sourceforge.net
SourceForge.net project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mod-dsp
Apache Module registry: mod_dsp
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |